High Sensitivity Detection.

Improved understanding of immune cell function depends strongly upon sensitive detection and accurate quantification of low abundance cell surface molecules. Today’s sensitive methods are prohibitively complex, not quantitative, and too slow for clinical research. We have changed all that.

Plasmonic nanoparticles provide high sensitivity and a means for quantifying rare cell surface molecules. Under the microscope they appear as a three-dimensional array of ultra-bright points of light distributed over the entire cell surface. Each point of light corresponds to a single molecule. Plasmonic nanoparticles enable a system with unprecedented sensitivity and ease of use.

Innovative optics.

We developed a high power, alignment free, oil immersion free, autofocusing, automated microscopy system. It uses immunogold nanoparticles that are 3-D imaged and automatically counted on cells that have been fluorescently immunophenotyped. It is ideal for rare surface antigen analysis.

Fully Automated Image Processing.

Using our technology, color compensation is stable yearlong. Cells are detected and delineated in fluorescent images using artificial intelligence algorithms. Plasmonic nanoparticles bound to the cell are automatically counted for thousands of cells, enabling the computation of cell-class statistics.